Happy to be he first British dude on the cover of Vibe magazine. Issue out next week
Played a gig for in:demand and 4music at corrie, random but so much fun
Gonna celebrate a great day one sales with these. Cheers for the cases @richforever @blackbottleboys
Automatic reply from someone at the label. What a lad
Cheers panini. You bunch of legends
Met a womble
I'm now like Balotelli
Vibe's photoshoot behind the scenes
3 senaste från Instagram
Hurricane festival Germany !
Marks having a Cuban in celebration of the album being out worldwide at midnight. Lad
Give me some more time, give me 29 seconds to sign, mmmmiiine. 10 multiply by two plus one
Nu så är Ed's album ÄNTLIGEN släppt, se till att klicka hem den antingen på iTunes eller cd:n. Här nere kan ni hitta alla låter, har ni någon favorit?
Senaste Instagrambilderna
Southside festival, Germany !
I stole'd a hat
Summertime ball wembley !
"Photograph" ut worldwide!
Photograph out now worldwide ! - http://t.co/dyE9OcOLtb
Ps. Förlåt att jag varit lite inaktiv men jag gör mitt bästa. Nu taggar vi iaf albumsläppet!
Ed på E! med Jason Kennedy & Jesse Giddings
Teen Choice Awards Nomineringar
Nu har nomineringarna till Teen Choice Awards släppts. Ed är nominerad i 1 kategori, Choice Male Artist. För att rösta måste man bli medlem men det går på bara någon minut, man måste vara mellan 13-19 och så kan man rösta i varje kategori en gång per dag. Klicka HÄR eller på bilden för att komma till röstningssidan.
Thinking Out Loud och Bloodstream ute på iTunes
Bloodstream out now worldwide x
Instagrambild från LA
Ny låt, Afire Heart
Nya bilder på Instagram
This is the most heartwarming letter I have read. I love it x
Austin city limits !
Detroit !
New York that was incredible ! Sorry I couldn't stay, we have to be in Toronto in the morning x
My face is on raincoats now
Thank you Warner Canada for the first SING platinum plaque
Ed på MMVA
Ed vid Empire State Building 14 Juni
Lyrics Video Upplåst
Ed uppträder med "Sing" på Live at SiriusXM’s Sidewalk Sessions
Ed uppträder med "Don't" på VH1 Big Morning Buzz
"Nine Days and Nights of Ed Sheeran" Eftershow
Fabulous Magazine Cover

MTV Sverige
Igår kväll sändes "Nine Days and Nights of Ed Sheeran" I USA och om ni vill se den på TV i Sverige så kolla in MTV på Torsdag 20.00.
Ed på LAX
100 things about Ed Sheeran
100 things about Ed Sheeran you don't know
* Ed’s most embarrassing nickname: fire crotch (sorry — doesn’t make him any less adorable)!
* That time he was mistaken for Rupert Grint but totally went with it!
* His first tattoo: A really presh paw print (yes, cries my inner cat lady)!
* His first album: Conspiracy Of One by The Offspring (classsssic)!
* His frosted tips incident (been there!!)
* That time he was mistaken for Rupert Grint but totally went with it!
* His first tattoo: A really presh paw print (yes, cries my inner cat lady)!
* His first album: Conspiracy Of One by The Offspring (classsssic)!
* His frosted tips incident (been there!!)
Instagrambild från Pinkpop
Pinkpop !! Yes
#1 UK Single
It's official ! My first UK number 1 single. Thank you to everyone who supported it. Very happy right now
We might have just found out some good news and are celebrating on the way to pinkpop
John Barnes $wag
Kim Shin Wook, Y U avoid me !?
Martin Garrix och Ed

BBC Radio1 'Live Lounge'
Ed svarar på frågor i Sverige
Bild från Instagram
Awesome review in Q
All of the stars på Ellen
Ed i Sverige

Instagrambild från Lissabon
Lisbon that was IN. SANE. You guys are amazing x